Welcome to BBPS Health Services

Home / Welcome to BBPS Health Services

Kim Wells, School Nurse

Contact at:
Monday-Friday 8am-4pm

Health Office Forms

Refusal of Immunization for Medical Reasons

Refusal of Immunization for Religious Reasons

Student Asthma-Allergy Action Plan

Physical Form-Kindergarten or Students from Out of State

Sports Physical 

Vision Evaluation Form

Sports/School Physicals:
The state of Nebraska has the following physical examination standards for students enrolled in schools in Nebraska.  Broken Bow Public Schools strongly encourages all students to have the required physical examinations so that any health concerns can be diagnosed and treated appropriately in order for students to do their best in school.  However, the law also states that a parent or guardian can refuse a physical examination in which a Refusal of Physical Examination form must be signed and turned in to the school.

Physical Examination Standards:
A printed or typewritten form signed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner, indicating that a physical examination was administered on a specific date within the previous six (6) month period on a specifically named individual shall constitute sufficient evidence of a physical examination by a qualified physician within six (6) months prior to the entrance of a child into the beginner grade and the seventh grade.  A physical exam is also required in the case of a transfer from out of state to any other grade of the local school.  As a substitute for such evidence of a physical, an objection in writing to a physical examination of such child signed and dated by a parent or guardian of such child may be submitted to the local school.

Students will not be able to practice or participate in any sports until a physical examination is completed and turned in to the school.  The local clinics have asked that you please try to get your school/sports physicals scheduled and completed prior to August 1.  Click on the link below to find contact information for local clinics.

Community Health Services

Immunization Clinics

Immunization Clinics (Spanish Version)

Required and Recommended Vaccination